About Our Organization



Alfred Aguko Omoro was born in 1928 in Nduru village, Kawino location, Kisumu County. As service to the nation he joined the Kenya Rifles at 18yrs (1946) and later the Kenya Police at the rank of Inspector. He was later appointed the Chief of Kadibo location in 1956, a position he used to help the community especially during the floods in 1963 where he mobilized help for the flood victims and built tents for them as temporary housing. He also mobilized villagers to volunteer and help dig water canals as a way of mitigating the floods. He later sourced for grants to help start various primary schools like Odienya, Ogenya, Korwana and pioneered as the founding fathers of secondary schools like Otieno Oyoo and Masogo. Through the Chief’s Act (a rule at the time) he enforced a rule that all the children in the village to attend school and detention for parents who did not take the children to school. This lead to an uptake of education opportunities in the communities he led. He was later promoted to District Officer position in 1969 and served in various regions which include; Homabay, Kendubay, Eldoret, Kitui, Mutomo and Kericho. His legacy is credited to have contributed to the construction of the Korowe-Nyangande-Nduru murram road in the late 1960’s. He died in 1986 from throat cancer and this foundation was started in his honor.Aguko foundation began its activities informally in 2015 as a family driven initiative to support the communities living in Kadibo Sub County ward, Kisumu County affected by various calamities such as floods, which have negative outcomes such as loss of livelihoods and hunger. The entity was later registered as a foundation and operates as a non-profit entity to serve in helping poor and vulnerable target groups in the communities by promoting education and skills building.




To improve quality of life for the poor, marginalized and vulnerable families in our villages while respecting their human dignity for social economic development, building better self-sustainable communities and a safe environment.


To enhance mobilization of people, resources and platforms that can empower, educate and create opportunities for local target groups to elevate their social economic status.

Our Vision

A healthy and socio-economically empowered society that is able to achieve its full potential through equal opportunities.

Our Objectives

To enable target groups access quality healthcare, skills and sustainable development and employment by providing resources, opportunity, hope and dignity to communities.

To eliminate gender inequalities in primary and secondary education by achieving equality in education, while guaranteeing girl’s full and equal access to basic quality education.

To establish a community resource center aimed at facilitating learning for target groups as well as serving as a source of practical community and career development information to local community members and CBO-affiliate groups. .

Meet Our Team

Together helping others